Madhusudhan B N


Assistant Vice President - Cloud, DevOps and Data Specialist at Deutsche Bank

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Cloud and DevSecOps Projects

Project 1 Embrace the Chaos

Service outages can result in huge revenue losses and reputational damage to organizations. So how can we reduce the risk of downtime? The answer lies in chaos engineering.

Project 2 Local Cloud Development with LocalStack

With LocalStack, we can run our AWS applications or Lambdas entirely on our local machine without connecting to a remote cloud provider! Whether we are testing complex CDK applications or Terraform configurations, or just beginning to learn about AWS services, LocalStack helps speed up and simplify our testing and development workflow.

Project 3 AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp

We are building a micro-blogging platform named CRUDDUR. Unlike Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat, CRUDDUR is a true ephemeral-first micro-blogging platform. It will allow users to post updates, thoughts, and photos that automatically expire after a period of time, ensuring that your personal information and conversations stay relevant and in the moment. CRUDDUR, with expiring posts, will reduce trust and safety issues by limiting the amount of personal information online, decrease the potential for cyberbullying and harassment and improve the overall user experience through its features.

Project 4 Deploy a Reddit Clone with Kubernetes

Project: Automating the Delivery of Highly Scalable Reddit Clone Application using CI/CD Pipeline with Docker, Docker Hub, and Kubernetes

Project 5 Creating a Terraform Configuration for Multi-Cloud Use
